COF Scholar Maxwell Weber Speaker at SP22 CIR Chat Sessions

Maxwell is a senior Choose Ohio First (COF) Engineering and Science Innovators (ESI-Engineering) scholar majoring Mechanical Engineering at The Ohio State University with interests in control systems, automation, robotics, and machine learning. After graduating in Spring 2022, Maxwell plans to work with RoviSys Automation and Information Solutions on their Facebook project, and hopefully transfer to their international projects in the future.
Additionally, Maxwell has previous research experience with RoviSys Automation and Information Solutions in Atlanta, Georgia. However, RovSys headquarters are in Aurora, Ohio. Primarily his work focused on the construction site, examining devices all over the building. Most of the work was hands-on: opening devices and checking their wiring and installation to make sure they were receiving power, operating efficiently, and sending information correctly. The devices he worked with were temperature and humidity sensors, actuators, fans, and a variety of other Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems.
Maxwell will present his research work and capstone experience at the Co-op, Internship, and Research (CIR) Chat Session at The Ohio State University on Friday, April 8, 2022 at 1:00 PM. He is going to speak about his research project entitled Constructing Facebook’s Massive Georgia Datacenter Campus with RoviSys Building Technologies. In addition, he has mentioned that COF has been enjoyable during his time at The Ohio State University because he has been able to get involved in the community and contribute to fostering students' interest in STEM fields. Moreover, Maxwell has worked with students of different ages and encourage them to pursue STEM and showing them all the possibilities that these fields can provide. Finally, he says: "[COF experiences and collaboration with other students] made me think about how much I would’ve wanted that when I was in school".
- Service activities you have participated in the past.
- M: In COF, I’ve participated in many different activities. In the past, I’ve worked with Wonders of Our World (WOW) for their Science Days and Metro for their high school tutoring, as well as lead presentations for CIR chats and the COF Showcase describing my internship experiences. This semester I am involved with Metro once more, helping Carol Van Fossen with her online Statistics class.
- How did you get involved in studying Mechanical Engineering and doing research?
- M: Throughout my life, I had always had a fascination with understanding how things work, and then building things myself to see what I could do. My first testing ground was with Lego’s, assembling models but soon breaking them apart to fuel my own creations. I got interested in Mechanical Engineering during high school as a recommendation by a math teacher. She thought, with my interest in physics and mathematics, that engineering would be a great path for me, and encouraged mechanical as it offered a greater variety of career paths in the future. I decided to give it a try and ended up falling in love with the field and the many different areas touched upon in the curriculum. Especially these last 2 years of school, I have become very interested in sustainable humanitarian engineering, nuclear power, and robotics and automation. And during that time, I was even able to participate in some research under Professor Mokashi, who had been my instructor in several courses. The research focused on designing code to model wave propagation through a material, in order to search for faults or cracks without needing a destructive method. I wasn’t able to work on this project for very long, but even in that short time I gained a ton of knowledge and experience about fracture mechanics and engineering as a whole.
- Professional websites.
- M: LinkedIn.