COF Scholar Alexandra Haritos and OEPA Research at CIR Chat Session #5

Alexandra Haritos is a senior year Choose Ohio First (COF) Engineering and Science Innovators (ESI- Transfer) scholar from the School of Environment and Natural Resources under the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. She is studying Environmental Science and specializing in Water Science. She started her college career at Columbus State Community College (CSCC) where she was STEM Club Vice President.
In May 2020, Alexandra graduated from CSCC with an Associate of Science and transferred to The Ohio State University (OSU). During her experience at the Choose Ohio First scholarship program at OSU, she has collaborated with Wonders of Our World (WOW) and serve as a Lead Peer Mentor and Student Ambassador for her school. Alexandra has been on the Dean’s list most semesters of her time at OSU and will be graduating in about 6 weeks. Over the last two years, she has interned with the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA). Her first internship was with the technical side of the Division of Drinking and Ground Waters. Her most recent internship, which ended about a month ago, was with the Emerging Contaminants of the same division. With both internships, she hopes to work with the OEPA after graduation.
Alexandra will present her OEPA experiences at CIR Chat Session 5 at OSU on Friday, November 4th at 1:00PM. Finally, Alexandra is applying to graduate programs, specifically the University of Oklahoma and OSU to continue her studies in Water management or Water issues.
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