Karierah Humphrey is a third year Choose Ohio First (COF) Advancing an Inclusive Biotech Economy in Ohio (IBEO-Transfer) scholar majoring in Biology at The Ohio State University with an increased goal of working in healthcare. She became interested in this path through early exposure to healthcare classes in high school and in currently working as a State Tested Nurse Assistant (STNA) since high school. In having purposefully exposed herself to different healthcare and research career options, she has concluded on pursuing an MD/PhD career in neuroscience with a specialty in neurotrauma.
In the summer of 2023, Karierah began doing research at Cincinnati Children’s Health Medical Center (CCHMC) in the radiology department with Dr. Kim Cecil through University of Cincinnati’s (UC) Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Neuroscience program. Her work focused on organizing, analyzing, processing, and interpreting data in files from January 2021- June 2023 that came from two specific MRI dedicated brain MR scanners. This data was taken through utilizing a "braino phantom" and its purpose was to make sure that MRI scanner quality was accurate for proper human diagnosing. Further, she helped in identifying vital issues in MRI scanners which helped lead the department closer to figuring out where the spurious signals were being picked up from. While embarking in journey, she got to attend weekly panels from both current UC graduate students and current medical school admission faculty. She also had the amazing opportunity to attend live conferences that went over current patient case studies and was able to observe how different medical departments interact with each other. At the end of her summer experience, she presented at the Capstone Research Symposium and was prized with a high 4th place and given high praise by the SURF program. Due to her work ethic, girth, and personality showing, the heads of the SURF research team requested her to come back for the summer of 2024. Karierah gladly accepted this offer and plans to expand on various works, and more, there. Karierah has deeply learned so much and is very excited to share more of the amazing experiences she had during that summer.
Karierah Humphrey will present her research experience in the CIR chat session on Wednesday February 21,2024 from 5:30pm-7:00pm in Smith Lab Room 1009 (SM1009).
Throughout my Choose Ohio First (COF) scholar experience, I have been given countless opportunities to know how to better develop myself, seek, expand upon my own interests, and find a community which I know will always be there and willing to help. From such benefits, I have had such wonderful opportunities through the COF helping me in my studies. The COF program caters tutoring to each member and, through such, I am able to understand difficult classes and even see the errors I am making, so I can better excel. Another way COF has helped me in my studies is through having access to caring advisors. In initial thinking, one may wonder how advising can help one’s studies. But, in order to fully be at one’s best, other areas such as mental, time management, and interpersonal social interactions must be assessed through those advisors. With a team of advisors behind me and in applying the confidence they instill in me, I know I can overcome any academic issues, which in turn, also helps me in my academic undergraduate studies. Overall, COF has done a very good job in helping me transition from my past institution to here and, with such experienced staffing and program guidance, I feel better prepared for the times ahead.
Professional Website
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karierah-humphrey-1878321b2?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=ios_app